Thursday, August 21, 2014

The storm and me

This twilight,
as I was running,
I saw a dark storm passing.
Massive the storm,
spanning the horizons,
I chased after it.

Hearing the thunder
in my footsteps
and in breath of my flared nostrils,
the storm felt challenged,
and chased after me.

From field to field,
forest to forest,
barrenness to lushness,
we danced after the other.

Then the storm lifted me up and whispered
"why do you seek oblivion?"
I said, "I seek,
because I know no other
expression of the fury inside me,
but you.
Because in you,
I find harmony with the storm within.
You sing the song
I yearn to sing."

Seeing that my unrest was his
and his rage was mine,
cocooning me in serpentine lightning,
the storm let me in.

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